• LensDoctorsExt 001
  • LensDoctorsExt 010 2
  • LensDoctorsExt 005 2
  • LensDoctorsInt 001
  • LensDoctorsInt 026
  • LensDoctorsInt 036

Lens Doctors

Portsmouth, NH


Photography: David Murray

The new and expanded offices for the Lens Doctors at 605 Lafayette Road in Portsmouth, New Hampshire was completed in 2018. The facility is a two story 12,600 sf medical office building which will house the expanded Lens Doctors practice on the first floor with class A medical office space on the second floor. The design takes advantage of its prominent location on Lafayette Road to be highly visible from Route One and Route One By-Pass roads adjacent to the site.

The design incorporates the use of high quality exterior and interior materials and a building form that sets it apart from the typical suburban context that the site occupies. The new building is positioned on the site where the former Lens Doctors business was located.

The building is clad with a combination of granite, brick, ground face block and aluminium metal veneer panels in addition to the commercial grade glazing and doorways. The design and construction team for the project includes McHenry Architecture of Portsmouth, NH, construction managment by Ricci construction and structural engineering provided by JSN Engineers.